The word domino may refer to:
A small rectangular wood or plastic block, each face of which is blank or marked with a pattern of dots resembling those on a die. Dominoes are arranged in sets and used to play games that require sequencing and planning. The most common are the games that involve laying one piece on top of another, causing them to fall in a straight or curved line. Other games involve adding or subtracting points as the pieces are added or removed. In the United States, the term domino is also commonly applied to a person or company whose actions have a chain reaction that affects many others in unexpected and often negative ways.
For example, if an employee steals money from a company, that theft can lead to lawsuits and other problems that could ultimately force the company to close. This is called a domino effect because one event triggers other events that have a similar effect. A domino effect may also be used to describe a series of events that occur in quick succession, such as a fire or natural disaster.
Lily Hevesh loved playing with her grandparents’ classic 28-tile domino set when she was 9 years old. She enjoyed setting them up in a straight or curved line and flicking the first domino to see the entire line fall. She began posting videos of her domino projects on YouTube, where she has more than 2 million subscribers. Her videos have led to a career as a professional domino artist, where she creates spectacular setups for movies, TV shows and events, including the Katy Perry album launch.
Domino is a fun and engaging game that can be played by two or more players. The most basic game requires a double-six set, but it can be played with as few as 12 tiles. In this version, each player draws seven dominoes from a stock (also known as the boneyard) and begins by playing any domino in their hand. The next player continues in turn by picking a domino from the stock and playing it. Each player must match the value of the first domino played if possible, but if they can’t, they must “knock” or pass play to the opponent.
Players accrue points during game play for certain configurations, moves and emptying their hands. The highest scorer wins the game. In some games, players must play all the available dominoes before scoring. In other games, players can choose not to play a particular domino.
As writers, it’s important to consider the domino effect when writing a story. Whether you compose your manuscript off the cuff or take your time crafting an outline, you need to ensure that each scene is effective in telling the overall story. Like the dominoes in a game, each scene must naturally influence the next to keep your readers engaged until the climax. With a well-structured plot, the scene dominoes will fall in a smooth action that carries your audience forward until the big payoff.